ULI Austin December Breakfast: Public-Private Partnerships (P3)


Join Winstead attorneys at the ULI Austin December Breakfast: Public-Private Partnerships (P3). The event will discuss what’s on the horizon for public-private development and learn how the Austin real estate community can help deliver new facilities needed to sustain our growing city.

Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Time: 7:30 – 9:00 a.m.
Location: Austin Central Library, Austin, TX

Winstead Speakers: Jeff Nydegger

Winstead Attendees: Zeena Angadicheril, Kristi Stotts


Our attorneys will participate in the panel:

Public-Private Partnerships (P3)

Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Time: 7:30 – 9:00 a.m.
Location: Austin Central Library, Austin, TX

The panel will discuss how these public-private partnerships are evolving, how policy initiatives could drive new P3 opportunities, and what key factors to consider when evaluating a public request for proposal.

Moderator: Fei Dai, Vice President - Development, Catellus Development

Panelists: Nina Farrell, Vice President, Public Institutions & Higher Education, JLL; Andrew Moore, Program Manager, City of Austin - P3 Program; Jeff Nydegger, Attorney, Winstead
