2015 Financial Services Seminar

Brought to you by Winstead PC And the Tarrant County Bankers Association


Thursday, April 23, 2015
2:00 p.m. – Registration
2:30 - 5:00 p.m. – Presentations
5:00 p.m. – Networking Reception

The Fort Worth Club
Top of the Town Room
306 West Seventh Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76102

Continuing Education Credit:
2.5 hours of Texas CLE
2.5 hours of CLBB
2.5 hours of CPE

Plan to join us to learn about and discuss the following:

Key Concerns of Lenders in Syndicated Credit Facilities – An overview of syndicated lending transactions from the perspective of the syndicate bank. This presentation will focus on provisions in syndicated credit agreements where the interests of syndicate banks may diverge from the interests of the agent bank, leaving syndicate banks potentially at risk.

Fiduciary Litigation Update 2014-2015 – This topic will address recent caselaw impacting fiduciary relationships.

Selected Issues in Workouts – The drop in oil prices to five year lows has negatively impacted the oil and gas industry and greatly impacts the finance industry that supports it. The focus is shifting, the economics are fluctuating, and markets are tightening. This topic will focus on some of the issues that commonly arise in oil and gas workouts and bankruptcy cases in this environment.

Permissible Political Activities for Banks – An overview of the federal and state (Texas) campaign finance laws as applied to banks. With the 2015-2016 election cycle now underway, this presentation will cover how banks may participate in the political process, with a particular focus on bank-sponsored political action committees.

Regulatory Update 2015 – A review of legal, regulatory and other developments impacting financial institutions. The presentation will cover recent legislation, interpretive letters, rulemakings, guidance, enforcement actions and areas of examination emphasis.
