Detecting Elder Abuse and The Duty to Report Financial Exploitation, Southwest Association of Bank Counsel


David F. Johnson, lead writer for the Texas Fiduciary Litigator blog, presented “Detecting Elder Abuse and The Duty to Report Financial Exploitation” to the Southwest Association of Bank Counsel on Thursday, September 26, 2019, in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  This presentation focused on factors to detect the two main tools of elder abuse, undue influence and mental incompetence, and also discussed a financial institution’s duty to report elder abuse to the proper authorities.  David also discussed financial institutions’ potential liability risk for failing to detect and report elder abuse. The paper, PowerPoint, and a recent CFPB alert on elder abuse are attached.


Read Here:

POA and Duty To Report Financial Exploitation _Paper

SWABC Duty To Report Elder Abuse_Slides

Suspected Elder Financial Exploitation by Financial Institutions_Report