The HBA Appellate Practice Section's 31st Annual Judicial Reception 04.13.22Winstead is a proud sponsor of the Houston Bar Association (HBA) and their Annual Judicial Reception. At the reception we will honor Martha Hill Jamison, Harvey Brown, and Brett Busby for 2022. This is a great opportunity for practitioners to visit with judges and their staff. Funds from the reception enable the HBA Appellate Practice Section to bring in top appellate speakers, fund scholarships for staff attorneys at appellate CLE programs, host appellate judges and their staff at monthly luncheons and fund the section’s charitable activities. Learn more.
Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Time: 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Brennan’s of Houston
Winstead Attendees: Tom Van Arsdel, Tom Forestier, Rusty Sewell, Shae Keefe and Shelby Holt