ULI DFW 6th Annual Impacts Awards 2021


Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Location: Renaissance Dallas Hotel

Winstead is a proud supporter and attendee at this year’s SOLD OUT ULI DFW 6th Annual Impact Awards Gala. We will be celebrating the best and brightest of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, this year's we honor Vision Awardee Steven Van Amburgh, as well as the IMPACT of five developments around DFW in these competitive categories: Innovation, Influence, Public Places, Social Impact and The Next Big Idea.


5:30-6:00 | Registration Opens

6:00-6:50 | Cocktail Hour & VIP Rception

Please note the VIP Reception is available for VIP ticket holders only

6:50-9:00 | Dinner & Program

9:00-10:00 | After Party in CityView Lounge

Winstead Attendees: Jeanne Katz, Jeremy Wilkins, and Rebecca Brazelton