Diversity Committee & Initiatives

Founded to ensure that opportunities are available to all Winstead attorneys, irrespective of gender, the Women’s Forum addresses topics of interest to women at the firm and in the legal profession, including the following:

Business Development
Winstead offers a variety of business development training sessions led by internal speakers as well as outside consultants. The firm also hosts events throughout the year for attorneys and clients to network with industry colleagues.

Leadership Opportunities
Winstead supports women in leadership positions both within the firm and in outside organizations. The Women’s Forum offers group sessions and individual guidance on pursuing such positions.

Winstead works to ensure the retention of attorneys by offering quality work and recognizing the need for work/life balance. The Women’s Forum is one avenue through which attorneys support and mentor each other as they find that balance, whether transitioning into firm life, becoming a parent or going through other changes.

Professional Development
The firm offers a variety of practice-specific live and Web-based training courses presented by both internal and external speakers to attorneys and clients each year.  The Women’s Forum is designed to guarantee that the female perspective on important issues is explored and considered.  The firm encourages anyone, and everyone, interested in these issues to participate and provide suggestions and support.